Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Million Thank Yous!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

You guys should've known by this point that the lovely Mishma @ Chasing Faerytales and Hazel @ Stay Bookish host a Thanksgiving event and you guys should join it! It's basically about saying thank you to everyone. When I first heard about this event, I immediately sign up even if it's final exam week for me (and I don't even know that Thanksgiving is now if there's no this event!). But I'd like to say thank you to everyone who stick with me in the past (almost) 2 years. So without further ado, here it is!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Introducing : Read and Recs

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I'm really, really excited to finally reveal my new feature to you guys! It might not be a unique features (there's always some similar feature out there), but it's my very first feature so I'm still excited! Anyway, here's a brief introduction on Read and Recs, and what you guys can expect on my blog in the future.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Monthly Recap : October (+ Book Fair's hauls)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Guys, life was busy as heck this month! I barely have any time to sleep, let alone to read and blog. And just a heads up, I'll continue being busy at least until the end of November, when final examination finished.

The Bookish Thought © 2014