Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017 Reading and Blogging Challenges

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Another year, another challenges to join! I participated on 4 different challenges last year, and guess how many I completed? ONE (which is the Goodreads challenge). That's why I decide to try another challenge this year (minus the Discussion Challenge), and I hope I actually could complete them all! 

Discussion Challenge

Host : Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight and Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

I actually participated this one last year but only manage to write like, 4 or 5 discussions. I decide to participate again since I think discussion is essential in blogging, also to keep me motivated. As for now, I'm aiming for Discussion Dabbler (1-10)

Beat the Backlist

Host : Austin @ Novel Knight

I've only heard of this challenge a few days ago and I'm interested since I seems to read a lot of backlist last year! I'm also participating in the Hogwarts Mini Challenge and sorted myself in the House Slytherin. I'm aiming for 20 books (which is half of my goodreads goal)

Popsugar Reading Challenge

Host : Popsugar

Now, this is a challenge that I know I won't complete by the end of the year, but I still want to participate since it sounds fun! I love to see how many books I could read that match with the prompt.

Goodreads Reading Challenge

Since I manage to complete my goal last year, I decide to participate again! I'm lessening my aim to 40 books since it's my last semester in high school and things will be busier than ever. You can see my progress on my Goodreads

Are you participating in one of these challenges too? What other challenges you participate in?


  1. Good luck in all of your challenges! The only challenge I'm doing this year is my Goodreads one to read 52 books, and I hope I can manage that :D

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  2. Good luck with all your challenges! I'm going to be participating in the Beat the Backlist challenge too! :)

  3. I know myself too well to commit to any formal reading challenges - as soon as reading starts to feel like an assignment, I lose interest! But I have set myself a goal of commenting on more blog posts, to help keep the conversations humming along. Good luck with your challenges!

  4. I'm doing the GR challenge (shooting for 52 books, which is what i did this year too), and the backlist challenge too!! But i'm Ravenclaw, so it sounds like we will be competing :)


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