
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Review : Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas

Title : Dangerous Girls
Author : Abigail Haas
Genre : YA mystery, thriller
Release Date : July 16th, 2013
Publisher : Simon Pulse


It's Spring Break of senior year. Anna, her boyfriend Tate, her best friend Elise, and a few other close friends are off to a debaucherous trip to Aruba that promises to be the time of their lives. But when Elise is found brutally murdered, Anna finds herself trapped in a country not her own, fighting against vile and contemptuous accusations. 

As Anna sets out to find her friend's killer; she discovers hard truths about her friendships, the slippery nature of truth, and the ache of young love.

As she awaits the judge's decree, it becomes clear that everyone around her thinks she is not just guilty, but dangerous. When the truth comes out, it is more shocking than one could ever imagine...

*Highlight for spoiler

“Wouldn't we all look guilty, if someone searched hard enough?”

Where do I begin this review? This book confused the hell out of me. I finish this book in a day and a half (which is very fast, btw) and continue to think about it for one more day. Not just confusing, it's also scary (and the fact that I'm reading it alone in a hotel made it scarier. I brought the wrong book for vacation)

The funny thing is, I originally want to DNF this one. The first half of the book is so confusing. And also boring. I don't know why, but I choose to do nothing on my flight rather than reading it. I'm so tempted to just skip to the end to find out who the killer is. But the second half of this book got me intrigued. Very very intrigued. The trials, the hearing, and the evidences got me really curious. And then there's the ending. The ending is so fucked up. I honestly didn't see it coming, but when I thought about it again, it made sense. I mean, who else? Sadly, there's so many unanswered questions about the ending that make me can't rate it higher than 3 stars.

One of the reasons I like this book is the writing-style. It begin with a transcript between some teenagers and 911 about a murder. And then, there's the questioning, evidences, talk show, and the trials. Haas did a great job writing and describing it. It tricked and played with our mind until we can't stop reading it. Though, truthfully, there's some part that's unrealistic, like is it really took months to determine the time of death? But other than that, it's captivating.

For probably the first time in my life, I hate all the characters, even the MC--Anna Chevalier--and the victim--Elise Warren. Dangerous Girls was told in alternative chapter between 'before' and 'after' the murder, and honestly, I dislike the 'before' part. It mostly show us about Anna and Elise platonic-but-maybe-not friendship, which is pretty boring for me. Also, I didn't like their behavior. They both like to go to parties, smoking, using pills, etc. I don't know why, but teenagers with that kind of behavior often pissed me off. Maybe because I'm a teenager myself but I never do it? Or because I can't connect with them? Either way, I didn't like them for almost throughout the book. Not just them, I hate the other characters too. When Anna was arrested as a suspect, they quickly turning against her, including her boyfriend Tate. Seriously, they have been friends for at least a year. Is it really meant nothing? That's why, even though I dislike Anna, I'm still on her side.

Like I said, the ending is so fucked up. It's really unexpected, yes, but it also end too abrupt for me. You know those psycho movies that end with someone we didn't expect smirk evilly? It end exactly like that. I know that it's a thriller book, but I want more. I have so many questions, like "Did she actually know or not about the cheating?", "Why did Dexter was so sure she is the killer in the beginning? Was there any other evidences or it's mere because he didn't want to be labelled incompetent?", "When did she kill Elise?", and also "What happen after the ending?". My point is, I'm still unsatisfied with the ending.

In conclusion, Dangerous Girls actually a great book. It trick your mind until you suspect everyone, and it leaves you want more. I'm sure if you love thriller, you'll end up liking this one. Unfortunately, my unsatisfied mind prevent me to like this book, though I can't say I didn't enjoy it.


  1. I really loved this one but it did totally mess with your mind didn't it? Sorry it wasn't quite what you were hoping it would be but glad you still liked it.

    1. It did! My mind is a mess when I finished this book! Thanks :)

  2. I think it's great how, even though you were less impressed with the story than others were, I think the fact that you've still rated it a three stars says everything about the novel itself. I do think we were meant to dislike everyone, it's the twist and turns of a thriller you know? But still, great review Tiffany! :D

    1. Yeah, I kinda guess it. I mean, if we hate someone, we're most likely to suspect them. Thanks Amanda! :)

  3. I loved this one a lot and I'm sad you weren't able to appreciate it very much, Tiffany! But that's okay, all of us perceive and interpret and consume books differently ;) The characters were pretty unlikeable to me, too, but it didn't really affect my reading that much because I was way too affected with the need to know what happened. Hopefully you try her other book, Dangerous Boys, and like that one better! I found it darker and more twisted.

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. I'm definitely the blacksheep here because everyone seems to love it haha xD I plan to try that one too since I'm curious! Hope I'll like it more than this one :D

  4. The scary aspect of this book sounds great, but I hate when the book confuses me so much it affects the enjoyability. The execution sounds really great though! I think I still want to give this one a try, especially for the crazy ending you mentioned :) nice review!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. You should try this one, Rachel! Everyone seems to enjoy it more than I did, so I hope you do too. Thanks :)

  5. I have some conflicted thoughts on this one myself. I mean, it was mind blowing, absolutely! And it was without a doubt enthralling- I could not put it down! BUT, I do agree with you about the characters. I mean, I was a VERY naive/sheltered teen, so I didn't do ANY kind of drinking or drugs or whatever, BUT I am usually okay with some of that stuff, because I know that for a lot of people, it is reality (and now I love a cocktail or four ;) ). What I can't handle is how awful they all were to each other, and the over the top partying- who does that!? Does anyone? I guess that part I found a little hard to believe. Otherwise though... this book was SO intense, and really unique! Great review :)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  6. Aw I'm sorry that you didn't like this one as much as you had hoped, Tiffany! I wasn't a fan of the characters either, but I think that made me like the book even more, if that can make any sense.

    Great review, girl <33

  7. Aw, I loved this one because of the twisty ending, though I have to admit there are a lot of unanswered questions. And the characters weren't really people I would hang out with in real life. But either way, I'm glad you enjoyed this!
