
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Review : Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

Title : Unravel Me
Author : Tahereh Mafi
Genre : YA dystopia
Release Date : February 5th, 2013
Publisher : Harper Collins


it's almost
time for war.

Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance.

She's finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch.

Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible.

In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam's life

*Highlight for the spoilers

Well, to conclude, I actually like this book, but I prefer Shatter Me over this book. I think it's because the plot line is pretty boring (at least around half of the book), and I kind of can predict the ending.

The first half of the book is pretty boring. Basically, it's just about Juliette learn how to control her power, and how people live at Omega Point. This is actually interesting, but if you read half of the book about it, you'd get bored with it pretty quickly. On the other hand, the second half of the book is more interesting. There's some battles and warnette *cough*.

If you read my review of Shatter Me, there's nothing different with Juliette at first. She's still afraid with and loathe herself, especially after she knew about Adam's power. I was hoping there's some characters development in Juliette, but, unfortunately I didn't get it until the last few chapters. On the contrary, there's some differences in Adam's personality, but I kinda hate it. He became more whiny, just because Juliette broke up with him. I know that it's realistic--a lot of people become more whiny after a breakup--but that doesn't mean I like it.

Despite 2 a little disappointing characters, there's actually some characters that I like. The first would be Kenji. I swear, every book need a character like him! He's basically a sun after a storm. He brings happiness everywhere. I'm a little disappointed that we only get a glimpse of him in the first book, because I need more of him. The second is James, Adam's brother. He's really cute and adorable! If you have read Legend by Marie Lu, he's pretty similar with Eden. And the third would be..,well, I think you can guess it. He's, by far, the only character that has a very different personalities from the first book. The Warner we know in Shatter Me would be cruel and has no mercy. But in Unravel Me, he became sweeter, more polite, and not as bad as we thought before. I definitely love him more because this!

Overall, Unravel Me might be a little disappointing, but it's still interesting enough to made me want read the third book (I already have it!). If you plan to read this, don't let the first half of the book stop you because the slow pacing!


  1. I don't remember much of this book, but I remember liking it just about the same as Shatter Me. The first half is really boring. Juliette is just being sad and moppy as usual. I love Kenji so much!! I love how honest and hilarious he is. Go him!! Lovely review :)

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. Yes, Kenji is the best! There's so many people who like him too :)

  2. If your wondering, the third book has a WAY more interesting beginning. It definately goes right into the action! Ignite Me might be my favorite......but Unravel Me was definately my least favorite. I loved Shatter Me, though.

    You should read Ignite Me soon! Would love to hear your thoughts!

    1. Yes, I already read a few chapters of it and it's definitely more interesting! Can't wait to know how it ends :D

  3. I still haven't read the first book but I can't wait to finally get my hands on a copy and dive into it. I heard kind of mixed things about it but so about every other hyped book so I'm hoping this series will work out for me.
    Lovely review. :)

    1. At first I kind of afraid to read this book too, since the writing style seems weird and dystopia isn't my fav genre either. But turns out it's really great! Hope you'll find it great too :)

  4. Kenji is the life of this series, the absolute LIFE. Although I have quite a soft spot for Warner too. Once out he wasn't an old man. GAH. I missed the part where he was still young and thought, yeah, that he was old and BAD MISTAKE. lol I'm not a fan of Adam. I think the character development of this series is incredible buuuut...the last boo is my favourite. xD
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. Yes he is! He's like my fav from this series! Omg how did you thought Warner as an old man?! And yess, I'm halfway through the last book right now and I really like it <33

  5. Great review!
    Warner is the highlight of the series for me. I pretty much loathed Adam from page 1 and Warner is just the best <3
    KENJI "He brings happiness everywhere" I LOVE THAT. Pretty much describes him. Kenji is the other thing that kept me reading this series.
    As much as I loved Kenji and Warner in the first two books, they are 10 times as brilliant in Ignite Me.
    Can't wait to hear what you think about Ignite Me! SO many interesting things to talk about with that book.
    Olivia @ Fluttering Pages

    1. Yeah, Adam became super whiny and that's annoying! Anyway I'm on page 50 something in Ignite Me, and I already love it! Warner became more funny and sweet and Kenji too. It's hard to put this book down! We should discuss it when I finished :)

  6. I love Warner! I am one of those people who's always loved him- from the first book itself - I just knew that there was something in him that's going to make him a different person in the sequels. Guess I was right:) I hate Adam btw! He's so whiny and dull.
    I hope you enjoy the sequel even more Tiffany. Juliette grows up a lot in that book.

    1. I didn't really like him at first, but after reading the novella, Destroy Me, I fell in love with him! And yes, I already halfway through Ignite Me now and the characters development are really great :)
