
Sunday, May 31, 2015

May Wrap Up

This is where I posted about my life, blog, and books in one month

May is a really really busy month for me! I have many tests and projects to do from the beginning of May until I finished my final examination this week! I'm so glad they're over now.

On the happier side, HOLIDAY IS FINALLY HERE!!!

I could wake up late like everyday from now until the end of July and have more time to read and blog now. Also, I've been thinking to change my blog design (again), so there's a possibility that this blog will have a new look ;)

Since I'm super busy this month, I didn't really post many. Here's what I posted in this month, in case you missed it :

Review :
Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill  - 2 stars
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi - 3 stars
Golden by Jessi Kirby - 5 stars (READ THIS BOOK, PEOPLE)

Other :
I post an excerpt of Sapient by Jerry Kaczmarowski
Here's 10 books I'll probably never read

This month, I probably broke the record for reading the littlest. Yep, I only read 4 books! That's pathetic, but I promise myself that I'll read more in June. Let's see if I can fulfill my promise (because I usually can't)

Anyway, here's what I read this month :

1. Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

2. Golden by Jessi Kirby

I have say it, and I'll say it again. READ THIS BOOK, PEOPLE

3. The Demigod Diaries by Rick Riordan

Once again, Rick manage to make me laugh with his book. 

4. Last Year's Mistake by Gina Ciocca

Sadly, this book is a bit disappointing, but I still enjoy some of it. Review will be posted near the publication date.

So that's me for a month!

What about you? Did you read many books this month ? Or are you unproductive like me? *don't worry, I'm here with you!*


  1. Hurray for holidays! They're just about to end for me, unfortunately. :( I'll be back in school soon!

    I've only read one Jessi Kirby book so far (Things We Know by Heart) and loved it. People have been pushing me to read Golden ever since! So glad you loved it too. :) I was disappointed about Last Year's Mistake as well. :(

    Happy reading in June, Tiffany! I hope you reach your reading goal. :)

    Aimee @ Deadly Darlings

    1. Good luck for your school, Aimee! Must be hard that you've to go to school when everyone's is on holiday :( and yes, you really should read Golden! It's really great and realistic :)

  2. Now that I'm blogging I read on average 7-8 books a month, which isn't THAT bad, but I used to read between 12-15! I had such a sucky reading month this May, that I'm begging June to be better, it just has to be lol. I read Unravel Me I believe last year, and girl I had to DNF it! I really enjoyed Shatter Me, and was digging Adam and Juliette's relationship, UNTIL I reached the sequel. My favorite character was actually Warner, who I heard has amazing character development, but I doubt I'll ever find out. I've also heard pretty crappy things about Last Year's Mistake, so I'm going to avoid that train wreck and keep it moving lol. Nice meeting you Tiffany!

    Tika @ fANGIRLconfessions

    1. On the contrary, I read even lesser before I start blogging haha. I guess it's because I only read the popular books, since my local bookstore only sell the popular books :(
      Sorry that you DNF Unravel Me! I admit that it's my least favorite in the trilogy (it took me almost a month ti finish it!), but I still manage to finish it. And yes, Warner is really amazing in Ignite Me! I recently finished it, and well, it definitely my favorite from the trilogy. Maybe you can jump to Ignite Me :D
      Anyway, nice to know you too, Tika <33

  3. Yay! HOLIDAYS!!! So jealous hehe. ;-) And a new design sounds fun! I love changing designs, except...I don't really have a good idea of what I want to do, so I keep procrastinating changing mine. I've had it for AGES, though, and I'd like to do something new. WE SHALL SEE.

    1. Yes! Don't worry, your time for holiday will come! (or is it already over?). Anyway, I love changing design too! I actually have some good idea, but I don't know HOW to made it since I'm no expert in html (and I don't want to buy either lol). So, like you said, WE SHALL SEE :D

  4. I love changing up my blog design but I take forever to 'perfect' it so I try to resist making major changes too regularly :P I've heard great things about Golden and your review of it sounds so good! I am gong to check it out on Goodreads, thanks for the rec!

    Enjoy your holidays!

    Thanks for dropping by Bursting Books !

    1. Me too! One time I sit for 3 hours straight and got nothing since I didn't found the perfect one :D And yes, Golden is really good, you should read it :)

  5. You're right with The Last Year's Mistake tho. I have read it and reviewed it. God, it's really disappointing especially the plot but there are some parts that I like. :)

    Yani @ Paper Boulevard

    1. I actually have so much hope on it since the summary seems interesting. Well, at least there's some parts that we both still like :D
